3 Powerful Habits to Improve Mental Health

When we think about healthy habits, we often think about eating healthy foods, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep. After all, that’s why so many of us make resolutions that focus on developing these habits. ‘I will start exercising, drink…

3 Easy Personal Development Goals

Sometimes we all need a challenge to to help us grow and learn a little bit more about ourselves. After lots of introspection and trial-and-error, these 3 goals are my absolute paper. They seem fairly easy on, but they will…

How To Trust After Being Hurt

If you’ve encountered a bad experience within a relationship: being betrayed, cheated on, or hurt in any shape or form, you may be expecting this experience to happen again. After we’ve been hurt, it can be hard to trust another…

universe picture used for article how to ask the universe for a sign

5 Ways How to Ask the Universe For a Sign

At times, there’s only so much that we can handle ourselves. Getting fired from a job, wanting to quit a job but not knowing how, going through a break up, being kicked out of your apartment, having health problems, feeling…