money journaling prompts

10 Insightful Money Journaling Prompts

I know money – for many of us – is a touchy subject. Whether it’s you not having enough money, or you judging those that have a lot of money, we have to deal with money practically every single day.…

acceptance in relationships

Acceptance in Relationships: 3 Tips

In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been thinking a lot about love and relationships. More specifically, I’ve been thinking about acceptance and how it relates to safety in a relationship. First things first, we all want to feel acceptance…

The Four Agreements Summary: Amazing!

If you’re not yet familiar with Don Miguel Ruiz, he’s an incredible Mexican author who shares Toltec wisdom and teachings. The Four Agreements is probably one of his most famous books, alongside The Mastery of Love and The Fifth Agreement. (I will be writing my thoughts…

scared of falling in love

Scared of Falling in Love: 2 Reasons

You’re either reading this post because you googled ‘scared of falling in love’ or you were simply surfing through my website, looked at the title, and clicked on it. There are many reasons why you might be scared of falling…